Friday, July 5, 2013

Harvey Goldberg--Anti-Private Property--1977

Here is my attempt at transcribing the Lecture Anti-Private Property.

Original audio lecture (#40) is available at:
Audio link in the transcript may be out of date.

You can read the transcription at:

This was a difficult transcription due to varying sound quality. It is an annotated transcription and has a bibliography at the end of it.

This is a Microsoft Word document that has been saved into Google Documents. The links, though appearing to be live, may not be. If clicking on them doesn't work, then down arrow to save the file, and either save it to use with live links later, or open as a Microsoft Word document in another window. Once you have a live, working Word document,  to get the links to work, just hit the CTRL key and  left click the mouse on the link simultaneously.

I hope the transcription is legible to you.


For exclusive links to all Goldberg transcriptions on this blog click "Goldberg" next to the "Labels" tag at the bottom of this item. The next transcription will be #41. The Beginning of Capitalism." 

BTW: Who's Harvey Goldberg, some of you might ask? See