Feedback is always welcome:
For the basics about the four modalities of Basque pelota (ball) and the context of the professional sports in these modalities see the report for March 13-20 on this blog
For the basics about the four modalities of Basque pelota (ball) and the context of the professional sports in these modalities see the report for March 13-20 on this blog
Part 1: (General introduction and Mano)
Part 2: (Pala, Remonte, and Jai Alai)
For information about Northern Basque modalities, see the report of April 6-12, 2016 under "Mano"
An index to all full match video links is also provided for easy access. Each of these matches is also discussed and linked to in the report.
Index to this week's match videos (sources given below, in the text):
Mano/Main Neu:
Nafarroako 4 1/2koa (St. Fermin 4 1/2 Tournament).
Bengoetxea VI 22 Victor 10 on Saturday, June 4, 2016 at Lodosa (find this and put it below. Also entire schedule at: (Put it below as well. Note that it is a tournament pitting manonistas from the two companies Asegarce v ASPE against each other. 6 from Asegarce, 4 from ASPE. Asegarce Urrutikotxea seeded into Quarter finals. Oliazola II into semi finals. For ASPE Retegi BI and Ezkurdia into Quarter finals. Explain differences between regualar singles and 4 1/2.
Full Match Video
The Campionato Manonista 1a (Buruz Buruko Txapelketa) (singles championship--Urrutikotxea, defending champion)
Irribaria 22 Urrutikotxea 13 at ? At Bizkaia (get links below or from last report and put below not here). Analysis of Irribaria left v right hand below.
Crucial 3rd Point of the Match
Final 2 Points of the Match
Closing Ceremony
Full Match Video
Third Place Match:
BengoetxeaVI 22 Altuna III 16 on Sunday May 22, 2016)
Match Highlights
Full Match Video (Match begins at 40:10 seconds on the recording)
Urrutikoetxea 22 Altuna III 6 Saturday May 14, 2016
Match Highlights
Full Match Video
Irribarria 22 BengoetxeaVI 10 Sunday May 15, 2016
Match Highlights
Full Match Video (Match begins at 46:40 on the recording)
Main Neu:
1. Trophee Atharri (Final, May 14, 2016)
Larralde-Guichandut 40 vs Etchegary-Ducassou 38
Pre-match ceremony:
Full Match Video
2. Trophee de Cize (St. Jean Pied de Port) (Final, May 16, 2016)
Larralde-De Ezcurrra 50 v Ospital-Amulet (substituting for the injured Bilbao) 26
Full Match Video (either directly from this site or click on the Youtube Icon to retreive it from the Esku Pilota Youtube site).
3. A Mains nues Short documentary on Trinquet Garat and St. Jean Pied de Port (Donibane Garazi). by Rene Wiedmer (2012). Running time: 8 minutes, 16 seconds.
For information about Northern Basque modalities, see the report of April 6-12, 2016 under "Mano"
An index to all full match video links is also provided for easy access. Each of these matches is also discussed and linked to in the report.
Index to this week's match videos (sources given below, in the text):
Mano/Main Neu:
Nafarroako 4 1/2koa (St. Fermin 4 1/2 Tournament).
Bengoetxea VI 22 Victor 10 on Saturday, June 4, 2016 at Lodosa (find this and put it below. Also entire schedule at: (Put it below as well. Note that it is a tournament pitting manonistas from the two companies Asegarce v ASPE against each other. 6 from Asegarce, 4 from ASPE. Asegarce Urrutikotxea seeded into Quarter finals. Oliazola II into semi finals. For ASPE Retegi BI and Ezkurdia into Quarter finals. Explain differences between regualar singles and 4 1/2.
Full Match Video
The Campionato Manonista 1a (Buruz Buruko Txapelketa) (singles championship--Urrutikotxea, defending champion)
Irribaria 22 Urrutikotxea 13 at ? At Bizkaia (get links below or from last report and put below not here). Analysis of Irribaria left v right hand below.
Crucial 3rd Point of the Match
Final 2 Points of the Match
Closing Ceremony
Full Match Video
Third Place Match:
BengoetxeaVI 22 Altuna III 16 on Sunday May 22, 2016)
Match Highlights
Full Match Video (Match begins at 40:10 seconds on the recording)
Urrutikoetxea 22 Altuna III 6 Saturday May 14, 2016
Match Highlights
Full Match Video
Irribarria 22 BengoetxeaVI 10 Sunday May 15, 2016
Match Highlights
Full Match Video (Match begins at 46:40 on the recording)
Main Neu:
1. Trophee Atharri (Final, May 14, 2016)
Larralde-Guichandut 40 vs Etchegary-Ducassou 38
Pre-match ceremony:
Full Match Video
2. Trophee de Cize (St. Jean Pied de Port) (Final, May 16, 2016)
Larralde-De Ezcurrra 50 v Ospital-Amulet (substituting for the injured Bilbao) 26
Full Match Video (either directly from this site or click on the Youtube Icon to retreive it from the Esku Pilota Youtube site).
3. A Mains nues Short documentary on Trinquet Garat and St. Jean Pied de Port (Donibane Garazi). by Rene Wiedmer (2012). Running time: 8 minutes, 16 seconds.
Pelote de Gomme Creuse:
Championnat de Palete PGC National A Individual Final (March 19, 2016)
Lasseube (Kevin Pucheux) (2-1)--(12-15; 15-12; 10-8) v St. Jean de Luz (Stephane Suzanne)
Match Video
Tourneo Parejas ORONA (Binakako Txapelketa) Semifinal (Dec. 12, 2015)
Ezkurra-Endika 40 Urriza-Agirrezabala 35
Full Match Video
Jai Alai:
First announcement of 2016 St. Jean de Luz (Donibane Lohizune) Jai Alai Festival (June 30-August 25, 2016, every Tuesday and Thursday--Coupe de France, Master 1-5, and SLAM)
Links to full videos of all finals (6) and selected semi-finals (10) from 2015 Festval
Live TV matches this week.
Mano/Main Neu:
Various Mano matches on Friday, Saturday, Sunday as part of EITB's weekly coverage of the sport. See below under Mano/South Basque for details.
Continuing coverage of selected tournament Main Neu matches. See below under Mano/North Basque
Mano/Main Neu (Hand): 
North Basque
1. On May 21, 2016 the semi-finals of the Trophee de la Rhune were contested at the Ascain Trinquet.
Guichandut defeated Bilbao 40-30
Ducassou defeated Amulet (substituting for Larralde) 40-19
Match story for both matches (Source: Esku Pilota).
The match stories indicate two easy victories, Bilbao demonstrated some resistance getting as close as 1 point (27-26), but could go no further.
The final will be contested at the same venue on Saturday May 28, 2016 at 19:30 local time.
2. Two tournaments finished last week. The main theme, as it has been throughout, was Peio Larralde. (This link is to his ranking.) His teams won both tournaments within the span of a little more than 48 hours. One win was difficult. The other was not.
A. Trophee Atharri (EP 1000) (Mur a Gauche Atharri, Itxassou) (Final, May 14, 2016)
Larralde-Guichandut defeated Etchegaray-Ducassou 40-38
Match Story and graph (note that clicking on the graph links to full match linescore.
Whatever issues there were with the floor of the Atharri fronton, which made semi-final play difficult, were not evident in this match. All players seemed to have sound footing throughout.
The match graph clearly shows four distinct parts. Parts I and III belonged to E-D. Parts II and IV belonged to L-G.The match was a grueling, intensely contested marathon. Unfortunately no match statistics were presented. But the match graph shows that both teams were in control for long periods of time before the other team fought back. In a sense it was similar to the semi-final between E-D and Bielle-Benesse a couple of weeks ago (see the May 6-12 report for more on that match). However in that match the lead only changed hands three times.
Since there were no official statistics I could find, I put some together. Again they are completely subjective and may be incorrect, in that I'm not sure how statistics are determined. I used my own judgment and player's body language to assign winners (gagners, eginaks) and errors (erreurs, galduaks). I also kept track of sequence, which is crucial in a match contested this closely. I present my findings here in the hopes that someone who knows more than I and who saw the match can help me correct my errors and identify shots. The shots that I've read about and don't understand in the statistical spreadsheets made available at Esku Pilota are: "xareat", "pumpa xare", "buruzgain", "motz", and "izkin motz". I have used Google Translate but those translations don't help me. If someone could translate these shots into English and send them to me at the address listed at the top of the report, I would be very grateful. Questions include "Is one of these shots the "filet" shot that goes into the meshwork of the side or back trinquet? Is a "corner shot" or "short corner" the same as a two wall shot? Are any of these shots passing shots and are passing shots on the trinquet roof identified differently than passing shots along either trinquet or high wall?
Thank you in advance for any help anyone can give me with this.
What I did while watching this match was count the balls in play during each point and assign either a winner or error, identifying who made the winner or error. I divided the match into "decades" as such splits are identified in the spreadsheets at Esku Pilota. It was also easier to cross check and make sure that the winners and errors added up to the final score.
A word about number of balls in play. I included only balls in play, not balls hit out of play, in my count of balls in play. Serves were also counted. There is an inconsistency here illustrated by the first point of the match. Larralde served. On the 17th ball in play of the point, Guichandut shot the ball off the court and onto the apron (the match being played on a three wall "mur de gauche", as has been mentioned). Guichandut was charged with an error, but his "shot" was not counted. So I counted 16 balls in play instead of 17. I don't know how this is officially counted, but if all balls during play are counted, then simply add the errors to my count. I also don't know if the balls in play on a point ended by a clean (untouched) winner are counted differently than the balls in play on a winner that was hit but did not hit the front wall. Service aces could be counted differently depending on how they ended, as a simple example of this. I did not keep track of how a winner ended. Again, any help with any of the rules of scoring that cover this would be greatly appreciated.
A word about assigning winners and errors. I have a definite bias for assigning winners rather than errors. This is because: a) I don't have enough experience watching these matches to know what should be expected to be returned; b) I never played the game. I only assign errors when it seems quite obvious that an error was made. A service ace is always assigned as a winner to the server, even if it seems obvious that the returner should have returned the serve and made an error. By assigning controversial winners, a scorer will always make two players happy. Assigning a controversial error will make two players angry. The world is not an objective place, and, because it gives me such joy to watch these matches, I'd rather not make anyone angry or unhappy :) A silly, inaccurate bias? Probably. But one I'd rather have.
You will notice that points won by the serving team always consume an odd number of balls in play. Points won by the receiving team always consume an even number of balls in play.
Main findings:
For the match: Balls in play: 916. Points that took 0-9 balls in play: 44; 10-19: 19; 20-29: 10; 30-39: 3; 40-49: 2. The two longest points of the match were the points that began at 5-3 (white team advantage) and 11-8, (blue team advantage) : 49 balls in play.
Score at the end of each "decade" (winner always listed first).
3-7; 12-8; 16-14; 19-21; 28-32; 37-33
Front Courters:
Larralde 15 winners + 8 service aces=23 winners, 3 errors
Etchegary 11+6=17, 4
Back Courters:
Guichandut: 7 winners, 5 errors
Ducassou: 13, 6
L-G 23+7 winners=30+E-D errors=10=40 points
E-D 17+13 winners=30+L-G errors=8=38 points.
Winners were equal. L-G made two less errors, the difference in the match.
Sequence (see also full match linescore at
Key: B=Blue (Larralde-Guichandut); W=White (Etchegary-Ducassou) w=winner, a=service ace; e=error. Sequence line starts with color of serving team, then number of balls in play, score (color of leading team). Key for winner error determination: BF (Larralde); BB (Guichandut); WF (Etchegary); WB (Ducassou)
Blue wins toss and serves: 0-0
B 16 1-0W BBe
W 8 1-1 BFw
B 8 2-1W BBe
W 27 3-1W WFw
W 13 4-1W WFw
W 1 5-1W WFa
W 6 5-2W BFw
B 49 5-3W BBw
B 6 6-3W WBw
W 7 7-3W BFe
W 4 7-4W BFw
B 1 7-5W BFa
B 4 8-5W BFe
W 6 8-6W BFw
B 1 8-7W BFa
B 1 8-8 BFa
B 19 9-8B BFw
B 3 10-8B BBw
B 1 11-8B BFa
B 49 12-8B WFe
B 13 13-8B BFw
B 29 14-8B BFw
B 12 14-9B WFw
W 6 15-9B BFw
B 6 15-10B WBw
W 9 15-11B WFw
W 9 15-12B WBw
W 24 16-12B WBe
B 18 16-13B WBw
W 1 16-14B WFa
W 6 17-14B BBw
B 9 18-14B BFw
B 18 18-15B WBw
W 17 18-16B WBw
W 5 18-17B WBw
W 1 18-18 WFa
W 3 19-18W WBw
W 1 20-18W WFa
W 6 20-19W WBe
B 4 21-19W WBw
W 1 22-19W WFa
W 25 23-19W BBe
W 21 24-19W WFw
W 2 24-20W WFe
B 8 25-20W BFe
W 21 26-20W WFw
W 15 27-20W BBe
W 4 27-21W BFw
B 6 28-21W WFw
W 32 28-22W BFw
B 9 28-23W WFe
B 26 29-23W WBw
W 20 29-24W WBe
B 11 29-25W BFw
B 10 30-25W WFw
W 18 30-26W BBw
B 1 30-27W BFa
B 8 31-27W WFw
W 13 32-27W WBw
W 22 32-28W WFe
B 15 32-29W WBe
B 9 32-30W BFw
B 1 32-31W BFa
B 33 32-32 WBe
B 1 33-32B BFa
B 8 33-33 BBe
W 34 34-33B BBw
B 21 35-33B WBe
Note: this was a pivotal point in the match. Etchegary shot for a filet winner. The ball hit one of the padded stanchions between the filets. The ball bounced away and hit Ducassou, who couldn't get out of the way in time. The point was awarded to L-G and I gave the error to Ducassou, a harsh error to give, but I think the correct call. Any help on this would be appreciated.
B 1 36-33B BFa
B 5 37-33B BFw
B 5 38-33B BBw
B 16 38-34B WBw
W 1 38-35B WFa
W 14 39-35B BFw
B 16 39-36B WFw
W 19 39-37B WFw
W 19 39-38B WBw
W 6 40-38B BBw
We have seen three of these players in big time pressure matches before. They are among the best or hottest of anyone on the roster listed at Esku Pilota. I hadn't seen very much of the young back courter Guichandut. I was very impressed with his play. Note that he made errors on two of the first three points of the match. A young player who starts a pressure match like that might easily collapse. Guichandut didn't. He made only three errors in the next 75 points. He made some great saves on the apron and contributed some crucial points, including the final point of the match. All the other players had excellent moments. But Larralde seemed to have clutch moments whenever his team needed them. Note especially what happened after the strange sequence that ended the 34-33 point, where Etchevary's shot hit Ducassou. In the blink of an eye, Larralde put the next two points away, basically sealing the match. Only it wasn't sealed, because E-D refused to recognize that this wasn't going to be their day. In points 75-77, over the course of 54 balls in play, each of which could have instantly ended the match, in spite of the exhaustion they must have felt, they refused to yield. They were tough as nails. It was a great match played by four wonderful, incredibly skilled players. Right now, one of those players is on a slightly different level from everyone else in Main Neu.
Video of Pre-match ceremony: (Source: Esku Pilota)
Full Match Video (Source: Esku Pilota)
B. Trophee de Cize (Trinquet Garat) (St. Jean Pied de Port (Donibane Garazi)) (Final, May 16, 2016)
Larralde-De Ezcurrra defeated Ospital-Amulet (substituting for the injured Bilbao) 50-26
Match story and statistics (source: Esku Pilota).
Match Graphics and Linescore (source:
The second final of the week was a bit easier for Larralde-De Ezcurra than the Larralde-Guichandut Atharri championship, as several early service aces by Larralde laid the platform for an emphatic victory. But any match where 50 points is necessary is not an easy match. There were many long and hotly contested points. L-D won most of them. Larralde was his usual self, and considering that he had just played a 78 point match two days before, that is saying something. De Ezcurra had an excellent match, playing efficient, effective defense and contributing 5 winners. Ospital and Amulet had their moments, and Amulet had a few tremendous points from the far back court. But they were no match for the winners.
Link to Full Match Video (Source: Esku Pilota)
In other Main Nue news, Eskue Pilota released the latest player rankings. As of May 18, 2016, Larralde is top ranked with 7500 points, more than 100 points ahead of second place Ducassou. For the complete story, along with how the rankings are determined, see the Esku Pilota story and rankings here.
Upcoming televised matches:
Check the home page of Esku Pilota for details about live and/or on demand full match videos.
South Basque:
The Campionato Manonista 1a (Buruz Buruko Txapelketa) (singles championship--Urrutikotxea, defending champion)
BengoetxeaVI defeated Altuna III 22-16 at Beotibar, Tolosa
Match Statistics, linescore, and graph (Source: ASPE)
At 9-0 it seemed like Altuna III was on the way to another heavy defeat. But he fought back and made a match of it, getting as close as 18-15 before Bengoetxea VI was able to close out the match for third place in this tournament.
Match Highlights
Full Match Video (Match begins at 40 minutes, 10 seconds on the recording) (Source: EITB)
2. Two semifinals were contested on May 14 and May 15
Urrutikoetxea defeated Altuna III 22-6 at Bizkaia (Bilbao (Bilbo)) Saturday May 14, 2016
Match story: Noticias de Gipuzkoa
Asegarce match data
Not much needs to be said about this match. Urrutikoetxea dominated every facet of the game. The last point of the match was the perfect microcosm of it (point begins at 47:37 on the recording). Urrutikoetxea started with a right handed serve high and toward the side wall. He followed this with five consecutive high underhand left handed passing shots, not the deep bombs that Irribarria has become famous for in this tournament, just high and with enough on them to keep Altuna III behind him. Somewhat like a cat playing with a mouse. Then he tired of the game and, in the middle of getting ready for another high underhand shot, he changed his mind and tapped the ball against the wall with Altuna III about 7 meters behind him. It was one of the most one sided matches in a tournament that has been full of one sided matches (only 6 of the 13 matches going into the final have been decided by less than 10 points, only 2 by less than 5). Urrutikoetxea's next match, against Irribarria in the final, should be a bit more difficult.
Match Highlights (Source: EITB)
Full Match Video (Source: EITB)
B, Irribarria defeated BengoetxeaVI 22-10 at Astelena (Eibar) Sunday May 15, 2016
ASPE Match Statistics, graph, and linescore
The score was 10-9. Bengoetxea VI had scored 7 straight points to take the lead. He had done it using unorthodox tactics. One of the most effective was roaring down the left side of the court to serve and serving the ball to Irribarria's right hand side. Irribarria uses his left hand to unleash the unbelievably powerful underhand scoops that propel the ball, after smashing into the front wall, to arch away, high, higher, highest, on the beginning of its trip to see the entire Basque Country. The shots that have spelled doom for every one of his opponents in this tournament. The way to stop Irribarria, it seemed, was to keep him from using that left hand. If you watch the match from about 1 hour 8 minutes to 1:13:09 on the recording, you will see this strategy unfold. Near the end of the 10-9 point, Bengoetxea VI launched a high, arching shot of his own, that was going to kiss the top of the front, then side wall and give the youngster quite a challenge as it came down along the left wall. A shot that could very well give him a 2 point lead and begin, hopefully, to erode Irribarria's deep well of confidence. Order might be restored to the world of Mano.
But it didn't work out that way. The shot was a touch too high and 11-9 became 10-10. More importantly, Irribarria recovered the serve. He beat Bengoetxea VI high and deep. 11-10. Bengoetxea thought the next big serve was too big and landed past the fault line. He let it go. 12-10. He never scored again, as he was victimized, like all the others who have crossed paths the the 19 year old wunderkind in this tournament. Blasted into elimination. But perhaps he has shown a chink in the armor that Urrutikoetxea can exploit. Or perhaps Urrutikoetxea doesn't need a new strategy. He is a back courter in a front courter's body. He is used to hitting the ball from the 7 and 8 line. He is not likely to fold at the first point he gives up to a high and deep shot. He is more fundamentally sound than his challenger. He is the defending champion in this tournament and has won all three major tournaments in the last year. Irribarria will most likely keep doing the things that brought him to the final. And why not? Perhaps the most illustrative point of this match was a point Irribarria lost. The point that began at 9-5 (1 hour and 4 minutes to 1:04:48 on the recording). Watch for it when you watch the match. He gets a little too far under one of his scoop shots and hits it a little too hard. Watch as the ball smashes into the ceiling of the fronton and then comes crashing to the floor. Dead like a quail shot out of the sky. The EITB camera lingered on the ball as it died on the floor. It was one of the most amazing shots I've seen.
The final should be a very interesting and entertaining match at Bizkaia (Bilbao (Bilbo)) on May 29, 2016.
Match Highlights (Source: EITB)
Full Match Video (Match begins at 46:40 on the recording) (Source: EITB).
Final Match on TV:
Check Domingo (Sunday). Times are local times. Later the matches will be available on demand.
This championship is in a single elimination tournament format, seeded with four players receiving byes to the round of 8, and four other players receiving byes to the quarter-finals. For the structure see the ASPE Campionato Manonista page. The tournament ends with a final on May 29.

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - Invitación a un Juego de Argolla (ca: 1665-1670).
(Dulwich Picture Gallery via Wikimedia Commons)
Pala (Bat)
We will keep a record of all the Bizkaia Open professional matches here for ease of access (Sources for all scores: InnPala Twitter feed).
The fourth round of the Bizkaia Open took place on Friday May 20 and Sunday May 22, 2016 at Bizkaia (Bilbao (Bilbo)) and Sopela Fronton respectively
May 20:
Necol--Ibai-Perez defeated Landeta-Ibargari 3-0 (10-2; 10-5; 10-7).
One point from that match, was recorded at the Innpala Twitter feed.
Zubiri-Imanol defeated Mikel Sanz*-Brefel 3-1 (10-4; 7-10; 10-5; 10-7)
May 22:
Fusto-Iker Gordon* defeated Landeta-Ibargari 3-0 (10-7; 10-7; 10-7)
According to the regulations of the tournament points are awarded for each joko (set or game) won. League phase standings after the fourth weekend's matches: match record and joko (set) records are given individually by match:
Zubiri-Imanol (4-0)--(3-0; 3-0; 3-2; 3-1) 12 points
Necol-Ibai Perez (3-1)--(3-1; 0-3; 3-0; 3-0) 9 points
Fusto- Iker Gordon* (2-2)--(3-1; 1-3; 2-3; 3-0) 9 points
Mikel Sanz*-Brefel (1-3)--(1-3; 3-1; 2-3; 1-3) 7 points
Gaubeka-Ayerbe (1-3)--(1-3; 0-3; 0-3; 3-2) 4 points
Landeta-Ibargari (1-3)--(0-3; 3-0; 0-3; 0-3) 3 points
*Amateurs. These amateurs have been paired with the recently crowned Mundo Parejas champions.
Highlights of the week: According to the InnPala Twitter feed, Fusto-Iker Gordon came back from a 4-7 deficit in the second joko v Landata-Ibargari to win that joko.
As of the end of the fourth round of play, Landeta-Ibargari have been eliminated from the semi-finals. Zubiri-Imanol, Necol--Ibai-Perez, and Fusto-Iker Gordon have secured places in the semi-finals. Gaubeka-Ayerbe will be eliminated from the semi-finals unless they defeat Zubiri-Imanol 3-0 AND Mikel Sanz-Brefel are defeated by Landeta-Ibargari 3-0. In that case G-A and S-B will finish tied for the fourth and last place in the semi-finals. There are no specifications for tie-breakers listed in the regulations of the tournament. Gaubeka-Ayerbe defeated Mikel Sanz-Brefel in the third round (May 14) 3-2.
May 13
Necol-Ibai Perez defeated Gaubeka-Ayerbe 3-0 (10-2; 10-9; 10-4)
Zubiri-Imanol defeated Fusto-Iker Gordon* 3-2 (10-8; 4-10; 7-10; 10-7; 10-4)
On May 14
Gaubeka-Ayerbe defeated Mikel Sanz*-Brefel 3-2 (10-7; 5-10; 9-10; 10-9; 10-9)
According to the regulations of the tournament points are awarded for each joko (set or game) won. League phase standings after the third weekend's matches: match record and joko (set) records are given individually by match:
Zubiri-Imanol (3-0)--(3-0; 3-0; 3-2) 9 points
Necol-Ibai Perez (2-1)--(3-1; 0-3; 3-0) 6 points
Mikel Sanz*-Brefel (1-2)--(1-3; 3-1; 2-3) 6 points
Fusto-Iker Gordon* (1-2)--(3-1; 1-3; 2-3) 6 points
Gaubeka-Ayerbe (1-3)--(1-3; 0-3; 0-3; 3-2) 4 points
Landeta-Ibargari (1-1)--(0-3; 3-0) 3 points
*Amateurs. These amateurs have been paired with the recently crowned Mundo Parejas champions.
Highlight of the week, according to the InnPala Twitter feed, was Gaubeka's performance in the fifth joko of the match against Sanz-Brefel, carrying his team to its second straight 10-9 win, winning the match 3-2, and helping his team to their first win of the tournament.
The second round of the Bizkaia Open took place Friday May 6 and Saturday, May 7, 2016 at Armintza Fronton (Armintza) and Bizkaia (Bilbao (Bilbo)) respectively.
May 6
Zuberi-Imanol defeated Necol--Ibai-Perez 3-0 (10-7; 10-7; 10-7)
Fusto-Iker Gordon* defeated Gaubeka-Ayerbe 3-1 (10-3; 10-9; 3-10; 10-5)
May 7
Mikel Sanz*-Brefel defeated Fusto-Iker Gordon* 3-1 (7-10; 10-4; 10-5; 10-3)
Landeta-Ibargari defeated Gaubeka-Ayerbe 3-0 (10-7; 10-7; 10-7)
According to the regulations of the tournament points are awarded for each joko (set or game) won. League phase standings after the second weekend's matches: match record and joko (set) records are given individually by match:
Mikel Sanz*-Brefel (1-1)--(1-3; 3-1) 4 points
Fusto- Iker Gordon* (1-1)--(3-1; 1-3) 4 points
Necol-Ibai Perez (1-1)--(3-1; 0-3) 3 points
Landeta-Ibargari (1-1)--(0-3; 3-0) 3 points
Gaubeka-Ayerbe (0-2)--(1-3; 0-3) 1 point
*Amateurs. These amateurs have been paired with the recently crowned Mundo Parejas champions.
Highlight of the week was Fusto-Gordon's defeat at the hands of Sanz-Brefel. It broke a 10 match winning streak for Fusto going back to early January of 2016.
The Bizkaia Open began on Friday, April 29 and Sunday, May 1, 2016 at Gallarta Fronton (Zierbena), and Bizkaia (Bilbao (Bilbo)) respectively.
April 29
Necol-Ibai Perez defeated Mikel Sanz*-Brefel 3-1 (10-3; 7-10; 10-9; 10-4)
One point from that match, was recorded at the Innpala Twitter feed. Note: the winners of the match are in green shirts.
May 1
Zubiri-Imanol defeated Landeta-Ibargari 3-0 (10-6, 10-6, 10-6).
According to the regulations of the tournament points are awarded for each joko (set or game) won. League phase standings after the second weekend's matches: match record and joko (set) records are given individually by match:
Zubiri-Imanol (1-0)--(3-0) 3 points
Necol-Ibai Perez (1-0)--(3-1) 3 points
Mikel Sanz*-Brefel (0-1)--(1-3) 1 point
Fusto- Iker Gordon* (0-0) 0 points
Gaubeka-Ayerbe (0-0) 0 points
Landeta-Ibargari (0-1)--(0-3) 0 points
*Amateurs. These amateurs have been paired with the recently crowned Mundo Parejas champions.
Upcoming Bizkaia Open final opening round matches this weekend:
At Bizkaia (Bilbao (Bilbo)), Saturday, May 28, 2016, at 18:00 local time
Mikel Sanz*-Brefel v Landeta-Ibargari
Gaubeka-Ayerbe v Zubiri-Imanol
At Las Llanos Fronton, Sestao Sunday, May 29, 2016, at 11:30 local time
Fusto-Iker Gordon* v Necol-Ibai Perez
There will be semi final Playoffs On June 6, 2016 at Bizkaia (Bilbao (Bilbo)) and June 11 and 13, 2016 at Gallarta Fronton (Zierbena). The final will be at Bizkaia on June 18, 2016.
This tournament runs from April 29-June 18. More information on the structure and schedule of the tournament can be found at the Innpala site. Basically, it's a 6 team doubles round robin of five matches, followed by playoffs and a final. Points will be given for jokos (sets) won. There will also be an amateur tournament. Check the Innpala Twitter feed for live scores if available. Pictures of the 12 participants in the tournament are available at the Twitter feed. Gordon and Sanz are the two invited amateur players who will be part of the tournament along with the regular roster. This tournament is played exclusively on short courts.
Pala has many modalities. We have been concentrating on what is known as Pala Larga (big bat, 32 ounce, 19 inch bat and played traditionally on a 56 meter court) and Pala Motza (Pala Corta) (smaller bat, smaller court--typically a 36 meter court). One of the other modalities is called Pelote de Gomme Creuse (played with a rubber ball on various courts (36 meter, trinquets, etc.)). Also a different type of bat is used, shorter and with a larger hitting surface, what some of you might recognize as a type of paddle ball. In this game the emphasis is on speed and placement rather than power. And just because they're not wearing crash helmets does not mean the ball isn't flying all over the place. This match is the Championnat de Palete PGC National A Individual Final (March 19, 2016). It was played at Fronton Mur a Gauche de la Sabliere (La Haillan). These modalities are played all over the Basque Country. To find more competitions and more video, see Research the competitions. Under "Speicailite" click on anything in the drop box that says Pala or Paleta and search for videos in the media box. La Haillan also has its own Youtube channel here.
Lasseube (Kevin Pucheux) (2-1)--(12-15; 15-12; 10-8) v St. Jean de Luz (Stephane Suzanne)
Match Video
Remonte: (Racquet) 
May 19, 21 2016
The highlights of the May 19 and 21 sessions revolved around the "usual suspects," Uterga and Urriza.
May 21
Highlight Match
Uterga-Etxeberria III defeated Maxtin III-Endika 40-36
Selected linescore (winners listed first)
16-22; 29-23; 38-35; 40-36
Match Story (Source: Oriamendi 2010)
A big 13-1 run that took the score to 29-23 was the difference in this match. Uterga lead the way with 19 winners and 4 errors. Endika's game was a bit off, as demonstrated by 4 costly service faults, to go with 6 other errors. Endika, along with his Sagardoeren Txapelketa Tournament Petritegi championship partner Segurola, have slumped since the end of the tournament. Segurola is 1 win and 3 losses and Endika is 0-4 at Gallaretta.
May 19
Highlight Match
Urriza-Ion defeated Uterga-Barrenetxia IV 40-33
Selected linescore (winners listed first)
0-5; 5-5; 13-12; 13-15; 16-15; 24-16; 36-25; 39-33; 40-33
Match Story (Source: Oriamendi 2010)
This was the third time these two doubles pairs have met this year, and the first time U-I have won (U-B won 40-39 on April 28 and 40-31 on March 17). This time, as the selected linescore shows, looked to be more of the same early. But U-I fought back to parity at 5 and took control with an 11-1 run that took their lead to 8 at 24-16, stretched that lead to 11, and then held off a U-B comeback for the win. Uterga (18 winners, 4 errors) and Urriza (17 and 5) basically cancelled each other out, showing their usual tremendous talent. Ion was the difference in the match with 14 winners (including 6 service aces) and only 1 error. Barrenetxia IV had 9 winners (including 5 service aces) and 5 errors.
May 12, 14, 2016
The highlights of the May 12 and 14 sessions were the defeats of both the contestant teams in the recently concluded VI Sagardoaren Txapleketa (Tourneo Sidra) Tournament Final (discussed in the April 29-May 5 Report--along with a link to the full match video).
May 14:
Highlight match
Maxtin III-Etxeberria III defeated Segurola-Endika 40-32
Selected linescore (winners listed first):
4-8; 15-18; 24-30; 32-32; 40-32
Match Story (Source: Oriamendi 2010)
The veteran team of Maxtin III (33 years old) and Etxeberria III (42) broke open a very close game by scoring the last 8 points to win. That 8-0 run broke the last tie of the match and was part of a larger 16-2 run that turned the match around. Maxtin III was the star of the of the match with 20 winners and 4 errors. He scored five of his team's final ten points with two-wall shots. Etxeberria III (partner of Uterga in the full video linked to in the May 6-12 report), showed the same steadiness he did in that match, with 3 winners, 4 service aces, and no errors. Segurola suffered only his 4th loss in the last 20 matches going back to the end of February, 2016.
May 12:
Highlight Match:
Ansa II--Barrenetxea IV defeated Uterga-Aizpuru III 40-30
Match Story (Source: Oriamendi 2010)
Selected linescore (winners listed first):
1-14; 12-16; 21-26; 34-26; 40-30
A-B came back from a huge opening deficit to defeat U-A 40-30. After being bombed with a 14-1 run, they steadied the ship with an 11-2 run of their own. The match was then even for the next 19 points before A-B struck for their second big run, a 13-0 run that turned the match in their favor. The star was Barrenetxea IV, with 11 winners, 10 service aces, and only 1 error. Ansa II aided the cause with 14 winners and only 4 errors. With U-A contributing only 5 errors, it was a remarkably well played match. And a remarkable victory for A-B.
Since there were no televised Remonte matches last week, you might be interested in watching a little more vintage Ezkurra. In the April 6-12, 2016 report we featured a link to the full match of his Dec. 26, 2015 victory in the 2015 Tourneo Parejas ORONA Final. In this issue, we feature a link to the full match video of the victory that got his team to that final.
Tourneo Parejas ORONA (Binakako Txapelketa) Semifinal (Dec. 12, 2015)
Ezkurra-Endika defeated Urriza-Agirrezabala 40-35. It's wonderful to see the master play against one of his heirs apparent.
Full Match Video (Source: EITB)
Since there were no televised Remonte matches last week, you might be interested in watching a little more vintage Ezkurra. In the April 6-12, 2016 report we featured a link to the full match of his Dec. 26, 2015 victory in the 2015 Tourneo Parejas ORONA Final. In this issue, we feature a link to the full match video of the victory that got his team to that final.
Tourneo Parejas ORONA (Binakako Txapelketa) Semifinal (Dec. 12, 2015)
Ezkurra-Endika defeated Urriza-Agirrezabala 40-35. It's wonderful to see the master play against one of his heirs apparent.
Full Match Video (Source: EITB)
Jai Alai: (Basket) 
Last week the first announcement of the upcoming 2016 Cesta Punta (Jai Alai) Festival at St. Jean de Luz (Donibane Lohizune) was released. You can find it here. Partido matches will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from June 30 to August 25, 2016. Matches are scheduled to be streamed live on Watch the sight linked to above for further information about live streaming as the festival gets underway. The festival contains seven competitions: Coupe de France, Master 1-5, and SLAM. Many of the matches should be available on demand. Many of the 2015 matches (see below) were made available at the Interntionaux Cesta Punta Youtube site. It is assumed that 2016 matches will be archived there also. If that changes, we will inform you of the change.
To whet the appetite for the excellent partido Jai Alai that this festival features, you can watch full match videos of all master and SLAM finals (6 matches): as well as selected semi-finals (10 matches) from the 2015 Festival. Players include Irastorza, Egiguren, Deigo (Beaskoetchea), Eric (Mendizabal), Inza, Foronda, the Aldazabal brothers, Olharan, Minvielle, (Manex) Urtasun, Tambourindeguy, Ohla, Ihitsague, Hormaetxea, and Alliez, among others. Information about most of them is available on the Biarritz Athletic Club players page.
Full Match Videos
This is the Jai Alai of the present. For a glimpse of the Jai Alai of the future, place a bookmark at the site of the Euskal Herriko Xistera Sports Club (Mutriku, Gipuzkoa). As of May 14, the Club began video streaming matches live. Watch the site for further details.
Last week the first announcement of the upcoming 2016 Cesta Punta (Jai Alai) Festival at St. Jean de Luz (Donibane Lohizune) was released. You can find it here. Partido matches will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from June 30 to August 25, 2016. Matches are scheduled to be streamed live on Watch the sight linked to above for further information about live streaming as the festival gets underway. The festival contains seven competitions: Coupe de France, Master 1-5, and SLAM. Many of the matches should be available on demand. Many of the 2015 matches (see below) were made available at the Interntionaux Cesta Punta Youtube site. It is assumed that 2016 matches will be archived there also. If that changes, we will inform you of the change.
To whet the appetite for the excellent partido Jai Alai that this festival features, you can watch full match videos of all master and SLAM finals (6 matches): as well as selected semi-finals (10 matches) from the 2015 Festival. Players include Irastorza, Egiguren, Deigo (Beaskoetchea), Eric (Mendizabal), Inza, Foronda, the Aldazabal brothers, Olharan, Minvielle, (Manex) Urtasun, Tambourindeguy, Ohla, Ihitsague, Hormaetxea, and Alliez, among others. Information about most of them is available on the Biarritz Athletic Club players page.
Full Match Videos
This is the Jai Alai of the present. For a glimpse of the Jai Alai of the future, place a bookmark at the site of the Euskal Herriko Xistera Sports Club (Mutriku, Gipuzkoa). As of May 14, the Club began video streaming matches live. Watch the site for further details.
The players with the best records for the winter season are available for Miami and Dania. Click on Stats for Miami and View Info for Dania. The game pages have each player’s record in his last ten games.
At Miami, for the week ending May 16, Irastorza, for the 8th time this season, was the leading winner with 10 wins in 30 games played. Cisneros lead the "in the money" (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) category, 21 times in 32 matches, a .656 percentage.
At Dania, for the week ending May 23, 2016, Leke was the leading winner with 9 wins in 28 games played. He also lead the "in the money" (1st, 2nd, or third) category for the third straight week, with 16 times in 28 games, a .571 percentage. For the week ending May 16, 2016, Diego was the leading winner with 9 wins in 28 games played. Leke and Foronda lead the "in the money" (1st, 2nd, or third) category, both with 19 times in 32 games, a .594 percentage.
Final statistics for the Dania Winter 2016 season.
At Miami, for the week ending May 16, Irastorza, for the 8th time this season, was the leading winner with 10 wins in 30 games played. Cisneros lead the "in the money" (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) category, 21 times in 32 matches, a .656 percentage.
At Dania, for the week ending May 23, 2016, Leke was the leading winner with 9 wins in 28 games played. He also lead the "in the money" (1st, 2nd, or third) category for the third straight week, with 16 times in 28 games, a .571 percentage. For the week ending May 16, 2016, Diego was the leading winner with 9 wins in 28 games played. Leke and Foronda lead the "in the money" (1st, 2nd, or third) category, both with 19 times in 32 games, a .594 percentage.
Final statistics for the Dania Winter 2016 season.
Dania Jai Alai has live online telecasts of all its matches here.
The best way to watch the Dania season unfold is to watch the online telecasts. There are no replays or on demand games.
The best way to watch the Dania season unfold is to watch the online telecasts. There are no replays or on demand games.
Sources: Most sources are available in Spanish and/or Basque and French only. I use Google translate. It is clumsy but workable.
Asegarce Entertainment Company --Player, match, and Fronton information.
Aspe Entertainment Company--Player, match, and League table information
EITB Television Network--Matches and highlights.
Fronton TV (click on "Videos" then "Programmas").--Matches
Wikipedia article on Basque Pelota--basics and dimensions of the sport.
For Mano, Pala and Remonte, to access on demand matches from EITB TV:
Search either “Erremontea 2016 (or 2015)” or “Pala 2016 (or 2015).” At present, there are no links to Jai Alai matches.
Player and selected match information. Latest scores. Upcoming matches.
Match scores by set in real time.
Professional Pala at the Munduko Pilota Batzarra (World Pilota Council)
Player information, match stories, excellent source of real time happenings in the world of professional Pala.
Match stories, standings, player statistics, match database, upcoming matches.
Quick access to the latest.
Oriamendi 2010 Twitter site
Live scoring of matches (full score at the end of the match only at this time).
Selected short clips.
Jai Alai:
A. Pari-mutuel:
Miami Jai-Alai
Schedules, game results, statistics, roster, see game pages for results of last ten games for each player.
Simulcasts (fee based):
Dania Jai Alai
Schedules, game results, statistics, roster, see game pages for results of last ten games for each player.
Simulcasts (free of charge):
B. Partido:
Internationeaux Cesta Punta-St. Jean de Luz
Exhaustive information about the annual festival (in French)
Official sources of video for Jai Alai full games:
Internationaux de Cesta Punta
Excellent quality videos.
International Jai Alai Players Association (I Ja Pa)
Northern Basque Pelota Modalities:
FFPV Federation Francaise de Pelota Basque
Organization, competitions, results, regulations, history
A gigantic database, easily queried, of all of North Basque pelota (live scores, pictures, commentary, videos).
Esku Pilota
Central Information site for all things Main Neu. Results, match stories (in French), player information (use the arrows to scroll up and down the player page, only three players at a time are visible), player rankings, etc.
Esku Pilota Youtube site
Selected Main Neu matches.
Tout sur la Pelote Basque Youtube site.
Quickest, easiest, and most reliable way to watch French Basque Pelota.